September 25, 2020


To our CEMS community,


Building on the work of the Cape Elizabeth Education Foundation’s contributions from last spring, Cape Elizabeth Middle School has secured a grant partnership with an organization called the Mindfulness Director Initiative. Through this partnership, we were able to bring on Erica Marcus as our part time Mindfulness Director. For the past five years, Erica has been working with districts around New England to introduce mindfulness to communities, and she is thrilled to be here to support the growth of social emotional programs at CEMS. Mindfulness is a scientifically-based approach to paying attention to internal and external experiences at any given moment in order to self regulate, moderate stress and anxiety, improve focus, and generate compassion for self and others.


In order to collect baseline data, inform programmatic decisions, and evaluate the efficacy of the program, we are asking that parents fill out a 5-minute survey


If you have any questions about our mindfulness program, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Marcus via email (  As we get started with this school year, we will be offering a caregiver mindfulness workshop to share the typical exercises that your child may be exposed to and to provide a foundation of mindfulness for your personal wellbeing.