October 12, 2020
Hi families,
Erica Marcus, our new Mindfulness Director, has a few reminders for you about upcoming opportunities around mindfulness! Please be in touch with any questions.: emarcus@capeelizabethschools.org
CEMS will be hosting a Mindfulness for Parents (and all interested adults) on Wednesday, October 14 over Zoom. You can attend a 11:30am-12:30pm or 7:00pm-8:00pm option (This will be recorded, if neither time works for you). Learn more and register if you are interested. The time will be structured around creating a mindfulness practice in order to support the young people in your life.
We will have 3 offerings beginning at the end of October:
Ongoing Family Mindfulness Drop in Classes on Wednesdays starting October 21 from 9:00am-9:30am. These 30-minute Mindfulness and Movement classes will support families in developing self awareness, self regulation, and compassion through mindfulness and movement. Please join us for either class using this Zoom Link
Pond Cove Families: 9:00am-9:30am
CEMS Families: 11:00am-11:30am
A 4-week Mini Mindfulness Intensive for Parents starting the week of October 26. Please register here if you are interested to determine the best time to meet.
If you are looking for additional mindfulness resources, check out the Mindful Corner website, which will be updated weekly with practices you can try out as a family.
If you have not done so yet (and thank you if you have!), please complete this anonymous survey to collect baseline data on our community.
The survey will be closed on Friday, October 16. After that date, the data from the surveys will be deleted from Google Drive and moved to a secure location. The data will be analyzed by a third-party research consultant hired by MDI, who is also a researcher at the University of Connecticut specializing in evaluating the health benefits of mindfulness-based programs. Results from the mental health indicators will be compiled in aggregate, and will not be assessed at the individual level nor used for diagnostic purposes. The purpose of the baseline survey is to provide a snapshot of the population as a whole at this current time, in order to help the mindfulness director best serve the needs of the community.
We will be sending out a follow-up survey in November/December, to collect additional data as the school year progresses, to determine how many people have engaged with the Mindfulness Director, satisfaction levels, benefits, and any concerns that may arise. Data from these surveys will be used to create a mid-year report, which will be submitted to the principal to share with stakeholders.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to connect with you soon!