heart and mind high-fiving

To Cape Elizabeth parents and guardians,

As our first semester winds down, the Mindfulness Director Initiative is interested in collecting data through the following survey on how the Mindfulness Director position is impacting our school. This data will inform second semester programmatic decisions and be used for a report to stakeholders. I have deeply appreciated connecting with some of you through workshops, intensives, and informal conversations. I look forward to continuing to serve you, your children, and the staff of Cape Elizabeth moving forward. 

As a thank you for your time and insights, you have the option of being entered to win a $50 C Salt Gourmet Market gift card. (The raffle will be linked at the end of the feedback form, and it will not be connected to your data.)


Even in the present circumstances, or perhaps because of, this opportunity to offer mindfulness has felt deeply meaningful. Some of my favorite feedback is as follows:

From students in the WIN Mini Mindfulness Intensives:

I really liked the last practice, because I had a few moments where everything was taken care of and there was nothing to do and that was really nice, because I have a really uptight mind that never settles and I put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed all the time so it was really relaxing. - Eight Grader

Before class I felt tired and groggy. After class I felt calm and refreshed.” - Fifth grader

Before class, I felt sort of stressed. But when we did the outside [mindfulness practice], it really made my body feel calm and in the moment” - Fifth grader

Out of the 79 students who completed the final survey, 77% of students thought students could benefit from learning mindfulness (and 17% gave some variation of maybe/some students). 

From parents who participated in the Mindfulness Workshop and Intensive:

“I love the notion of "loosening" in my parenting approach which may end up being better for everyone. The quote "are you trying to win at parenting?" really resonated with me as sometimes I am trying so hard I am holding on too tightly to everything in my parenting style that it's not effective.....I will also try to forgive myself more for the moments when I let my emotions take over. I am comforted in the fact that the repair work may be just as important than responding calmly:)”

“I believe the program has helped me so much as a parent especially during the challenges of the pandemic. I am calmer and more focused.”

As always, please feel free to reach out with questions or ideas for future offerings.

Be well,

Erica Marcus