Interim Town Manager Mike McGovern requested that Joe Cutera (Moors & Cabot) look at the $94.7M bond amount and do some updated tax impact calculations based on the changing inter...
At its special business meeting on August 15, 2024, the Cape Elizabeth School Board voted again unanimously in support of its 'Middle Ground' design. This follows the Town Counci...
The work continues with great progress. The new domestic hot water boilers serving PCMS have been successfully installed. Stripping and waxing are advancing smoothly at all three ...
Hello everyone! We've got some exciting updates this week. We are revamping the service entrance of PCMS, replacing lots of rotted wood to ensure safety and aesthetics. We’re inst...
Cape Elizabeth Maine – At a special business meeting on July 1, 2024, the Cape Elizabeth School Board voted unanimously to approve the Middle Ground design, which includes a new ...
Busy first week for our Facilities team! We're hard at work emptying classrooms, deep cleaning, and preparing for stripping and waxing. The Pond Cove gym floor replacement is well...
The Cape Elizabeth School Board invites you to a school building project Public Forum on June 24 at 6:00pm at Cape Elizabeth Town Hall . The presentation by Harriman will in...
Three student-athletes representing Cape Elizabeth competed in the Maine Special Olympics track and field event on June 7 - 8 (2024). Madison competed in the 50m run, shotput, and...
Dear Rising 5th Grade Families, As you know, your current 4th grader has had an introduction to a language (French) over the past several years at PCES. We know that this introd...
Congratulations to CEMS music educator Missy Shabo! On May 16 (2024), Ms. Shabo received the Maine Music Educators Association Middle School Educator of the Year award.
Cape Elizabeth High School extended learning opportunity (ELO) program’s own, Boden Terry, has written for and is featured in Mainebiz’s Spring 2024 Work for ME . In the publica...
The Cape Special Olympics team, Allison Brooking, Madison Mills, Evan Zack, Emily Whalen and Henry Adams participated in the Cumberland County Special Olympics Swim Meet on April...
This week, CEHS students attended a Career Fair at South Portland High School. Over 70 businesses and organizations provided information about local jobs, occupations, and careers...
Since last fall, around two dozen 5th and 6th grade students have been actively engaging in hands-on learning every week in Mr. Anesko's classroom after school. These youngest mem...
The Cape Elizabeth Building Advisory Committee invites you to a Public Forum on April 10th at 6:00 p.m. at Cape Elizabeth Town Hall. The presentation will include three design opt...
For the ninth year in a row, the Cape Elizabeth School Department has been honored with the Best Communities for Music Education designation from the NAMM Foundation for its ou...
Yesterday, two classes of seventh grade students visited the Cape Elizabeth Town Hall as part of an interdisciplinary unit on coastal flooding and sea level rise in Cape Elizabeth...
All of Cape’s AP Environmental Science students recently took a trip to Ocean’s Balance, producer of sustainable Maine seaweed products, in Biddeford. Students learned about aquac...
Along with students from Scarborough and Freeport high schools, CEHS students recently participated in a career exploration day at Pineland Farms in New Gloucester. Through hands-...