Interested in becoming approved to volunteer at Pond Cove?
Click here to get all the details: CESD Volunteer Services
Pond Cove Cafeteria Helpers
We are looking for parents/guardians (who are approved to volunteer) to help students in the cafeteria. There will be two different 45 minute shifts to choose from (2 people per shift). If you are interested, please fill out this form Pond Cove Cafeteria Helper and then we will send you the link to sign up for a volunteer shift.
FMI: Please contact Sarah Gagne at

CEEF Supports Pond Cove Educators!
We hope you'll consider supporting CEEF with a direct donation or by sending a Red Apple Award to an educator who has made a difference! Either way you support CEEF, you're letting Cape teachers and students know you support them! or
Help the School Garden Earn Grant $$ From SeedMoney!
Help the Pond Cove Playground Garden prepare for spring and earn matching grant money! We are raising funds via the SeedMoney platform for seeds/seedlings and a needed refresh of planting tools and supplies.
SeedMoney is a Maine-based crowd-funding nonprofit that supports edible gardens. Please share the link below with your networks, or make a tax-deductible contribution if you'd like. The more we raise from Nov 15-Dec 15, the larger matching grant we earn!