Counselors’ Corner
Mrs. Gallagher and Mrs. McDermott
bgallagher@capeelizabethschools.org memcdermott@capeelizabethschools.org
Mrs. G and Ms. McDermott have been enjoying the conversations and learning that have come from our second unit in Sanford Harmony Curriculum, Valuing Each Other. Check out the goals and objectives of this unit…
Appreciating Our Differences
We are all the same and different.
We are all unique, and this uniqueness makes us special.
We can learn both from and about one another.
Including Everyone
We understand how it feels to be left out instead of included.
We can make sure others feel included.
Breaking Stereotypes
We understand that stereotypes are based on guesses about people because of groups they are part of instead of actual knowledge of a person.
We can get to know others and “pop” stereotype thoughts to ensure everyone feels included.
Showing Empathy and Supporting Others
We can put ourselves in “someone else’s shoes” in order to understand how others may feel in a situation.
We can use empathy to help others and make our relationships stronger.
Empathy is one way to show we care about someone.
Standing Up for Others
We can recognize when a situation isn’t fair and take steps to make it fair.
We can use empathy to support others in an unfair situation.
Here are some of the awesome read alouds that we have been using to kick off some engaging conversations about inclusion, our impact on each other, and identifying stereotypes.

As you discuss your family’s holiday plans, you may want to remind your children that other families may celebrate holidays differently and some families may not celebrate the same holidays that you do. You may choose to give examples of friends or family members that have different traditions or observe other holidays to help your children build awareness and respect for these differences.
Many of us think of December as being the holiday season but you may also choose to mention that for many religions and cultures the most significant holidays do not usually occur in December (examples- Ramadan, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur).
Use our local library to check out books to learn more about holidays celebrated in our community and around the world and/or to start conversations about respect for religious and cultural differences. Here are some suggestions..
Book Lists:
Specific Recommendations:
Let’s Celebrate: Special Days Around the World by Kate DePalma
Red and Green and Blue and White by Lee Wind
Christmas in Lagos by Sharon Abimola Salu
The Only One Club by Jane Naliboff
The Night of the Moon by Hena Khan
If your family has had a recent loss or family change, this month could be particularly difficult for your child or bring up some big feelings. Please feel comfortable reaching out to one of us if you have concerns about your child or are in need of additional support. Please also remember to take care of yourself. The best gift that you can give your child is to make your own mental health a priority. We encourage you to leave space on your calendar for rest and the things that fill your cup and, again, please feel comfortable reaching out if your child or family needs additional support.